Some Statistical "Facts" About Personal Training: Fact 1: 75% of people who join a gym are interested in hiring a personal trainer Fact 2: Less than 5% of gym members enroll in personal training Fact 3: High cost is the main reason for not enrolling in a personal training plan Fact 4: Lowering the per session cost of personal training isn?t the answer In regards to "how it works", The APT Income System provides fitness facility managers and trainers with a way to make personal training affordable for all who are interested, without reducing rates or having to offer group sessions.
When fitness facilities and trainers use The APT Income System as outlined in this book, over 60% of members buy personal training. That?s an increase of over 1000% from the 5% statistic described above. To learn more, download The APT Income System now for $14.95 (includes 60-day money-back Guarantee)
Chapter Highlights: Chapter 6 ? How Trainers Charge Their Top Rates and Still Offer More Affordable Personal Training Chapter 9 ? How Health Clubs Earn a MILLION DOLLARS More in Personal Training per year Chapter 10 ? How a Personal Trainer Generates $67,280 in less than 4 weeks and $220,000 annually You?ll also learn more about why the Affordable Personal Training Income System is more lucrative for personal trainers and health clubs than traditional personal training. For Example: The APT Income System is designed to offer affordable cost options to all 75% of members who are interested in personal training. Those options include 8-, 12-, 16-, 20- and 24-week personal training plans for about the same cost as 1 to 9 weeks of traditional personal training, which makes obtaining fitness goals much more affordable. Plus, there?s No Group Training or Reducing of Training Rates Involved.
If you?re not satisfied for any reason, we?ll refund your money and you can keep the system ?fair enough? Read more?
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